Bids awarded for Hayestone Brady Road and Sewer Projects!

Progress is being made on Hayestone Brady Business Park development. The bids were awarded at the end of April for the Hammerstone Road project and the sewer and water project. The water and sewer project was awarded to Cedar Farms & Construction; the road project was awarded to Simpson Trucking & Grading.

The Stephens County Development Authority hopes to announce a groundbreaking ceremony soon to celebrate Toccoa's newest industrial park!

Stephens County Developer Day

Thursday, April 1 was the Stephens County Development Authority's first Toccoa-Stephens County Developer Day of 2010, following a string of 6 Developer Day events in the fall and spring of 2009. Six economic development project managers from five different agencies attended the event, which took them on a development-focused tour of the county:

Drew Addison, Industrial Properties Group
John Clancy, City Commercial
Bill Dobbs, Georgia Dept. of Economic Development
Stephanie Harmon, Georgia Mountains Regional Commission
Charles Hunsaker, Georgia Dept. of Economic Development
Brooke Lucas, Georgia EMC

Geleta Hunt of McClure, Ramsay, Dickerson, Escoe LLP and Mark Ivester of North Georgia Technical College served as 'chauffeurs' for the day. 19 locals joined the group for lunch at the Straw House (Willard Kimsey Environmental Education Center). Sage Automotive Interiors' plant Manager Tim Batson and HR Manager Ruth Burdette gave the developers a tour of their facility. They also viewed available industrial buildings, Hayestone Brady Business Park, and sights such as Toccoa Falls, Paul Anderson Park, Currahee Club, and North Broad Trestle.

Drew Addison of IPG stated, "Unified governmental leadership, existing industry, and available facilities are all important factors in locating a company, and Stephens County has all three. As companies look at communities around Northeast Georgia, Toccoa-Stephens County will continue to stand out."

The next Developer Day event will be held on Thursday, May 13.

Pictured: Geleta Hunt, Stephanie Harmon, Charles Hunsaker, Ruth Burdette, Drew Addison, Mark Ivester, Bill Dobbs, Brooke Lucas, and Tim Batson.